Algorithms to Live By Page 14
If you’re concerned with minimizing maximum lateness, then the best strategy is to start with the task due soonest and work your way toward the task due last. This strategy, known as Earliest Due Date, is fairly intuitive. (For instance, in a service-sector context, where each arriving patron’s “due date” is effectively the instant they walk in the door, it just means serving customers in order of arrival.) But some of its implications are surprising. For example, how long each task will take to complete is entirely irrelevant: it doesn’t change the plan, so in fact you don’t even need to know. All that matters is when the tasks are due.
You might already be using Earliest Due Date to tackle your workload, in which case you probably don’t need computer science to tell you that it’s a sensible strategy. What you may not have known, though, is that it’s the optimal strategy. More precisely, it is optimal assuming that you’re only interested in one metric in particular: reducing your maximum lateness. If that’s not your goal, however, then another strategy might be more applicable.
For instance, consider the refrigerator. If you’re one of the many people who have a community-supported agriculture (CSA) subscription, then every week or two you’ve got a lot of fresh produce coming to your doorstep all at once. Each piece of produce is set to spoil on a different date—so eating them by Earliest Due Date, in order of their spoilage schedule, seems like a reasonable starting point. It’s not, however, the end of the story. Earliest Due Date is optimal for reducing maximum lateness, which means it will minimize the rottenness of the single most rotten thing you’ll have to eat; that may not be the most appetizing metric to eat by.
Maybe instead we want to minimize the number of foods that spoil. Here a strategy called Moore’s Algorithm gives us our best plan. Moore’s Algorithm says that we start out just like with Earliest Due Date—by scheduling out our produce in order of spoilage date, earliest first, one item at a time. However, as soon as it looks like we won’t get to eating the next item in time, we pause, look back over the meals we’ve already planned, and throw out the biggest item (that is, the one that would take the most days to consume). For instance, that might mean forgoing the watermelon that would take a half dozen servings to eat; not even attempting it will mean getting to everything that follows a lot sooner. We then repeat this pattern, laying out the foods by spoilage date and tossing the largest already scheduled item any time we fall behind. Once everything that remains can be eaten in order of spoilage date without anything spoiling, we’ve got our plan.
Moore’s Algorithm minimizes the number of items you’ll need to throw away. Of course, you’re also welcome to compost the food, donate it to the local food bank, or give it to your neighbor. In an industrial or bureaucratic context where you can’t simply discard a project, but in which the number—rather than the severity—of late projects is still your biggest concern, Moore’s Algorithm is just as indifferent about how those late tasks are handled. Anything booted from the main portion of your schedule can get done at the very end, in any order; it doesn’t matter, as they’re all already late.
Getting Things Done
Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small.
Sometimes due dates aren’t our primary concern and we just want to get stuff done: as much stuff, as quickly as possible. It turns out that translating this seemingly simple desire into an explicit scheduling metric is harder than it sounds.
One approach is to take an outsider’s perspective. We’ve noted that in single-machine scheduling, nothing we do can change how long it will take us to finish all of our tasks—but if each task, for instance, represents a waiting client, then there is a way to take up as little of their collective time as possible. Imagine starting on Monday morning with a four-day project and a one-day project on your agenda. If you deliver the bigger project on Thursday afternoon (4 days elapsed) and then the small one on Friday afternoon (5 days elapsed), the clients will have waited a total of 4 + 5 = 9 days. If you reverse the order, however, you can finish the small project on Monday and the big one on Friday, with the clients waiting a total of only 1 + 5 = 6 days. It’s a full workweek for you either way, but now you’ve saved your clients three days of their combined time. Scheduling theorists call this metric the “sum of completion times.”
Minimizing the sum of completion times leads to a very simple optimal algorithm called Shortest Processing Time: always do the quickest task you can.
Even if you don’t have impatient clients hanging on every job, Shortest Processing Time gets things done. (Perhaps it’s no surprise that it is compatible with the recommendation in Getting Things Done to immediately perform any task that takes less than two minutes.) Again, there’s no way to change the total amount of time your work will take you, but Shortest Processing Time may ease your mind by shrinking the number of outstanding tasks as quickly as possible. Its sum-of-completion-times metric can be expressed another way: it’s like focusing above all on reducing the length of your to-do list. If each piece of unfinished business is like a thorn in your side, then racing through the easiest items may bring some measure of relief.
Of course, not all unfinished business is created equal. Putting out an actual fire in the kitchen should probably be done before “putting out a fire” with a quick email to a client, even if the former takes a bit longer. In scheduling, this difference of importance is captured in a variable known as weight. When you’re going through your to-do list, this weight might feel literal—the burden you get off your shoulders by finishing each task. A task’s completion time shows how long you carry that burden, so minimizing the sum of weighted completion times (that is, each task’s duration multiplied by its weight) means minimizing your total oppression as you work through your entire agenda.
The optimal strategy for that goal is a simple modification of Shortest Processing Time: divide the weight of each task by how long it will take to finish, and then work in order from the highest resulting importance-per-unit-time (call it “density” if you like, to continue the weight metaphor) to the lowest. And while it might be hard to assign a degree of importance to each one of your daily tasks, this strategy nonetheless offers a nice rule of thumb: only prioritize a task that takes twice as long if it’s twice as important.
In business contexts, “weight” might easily be translated to the amount of money each task will bring in. The notion of dividing reward by duration translates, therefore, to assigning each task an hourly rate. (If you’re a consultant or freelancer, that might in effect already be done for you: simply divide each project’s fee by its size, and work your way from the highest hourly rate to the lowest.) Interestingly, this weighted strategy also shows up in studies of animal foraging, with nuts and berries taking the place of dollars and cents. Animals, seeking to maximize the rate at which they accumulate energy from food, should pursue foods in order of the ratio of their caloric energy to the time required to get and eat them—and indeed appear to do so.
When applied to debts rather than incomes, the same principle yields a strategy for getting in the black that’s come to be called the “debt avalanche.” This debt-reduction strategy says to ignore the number and size of your debts entirely, and simply funnel your money toward the debt with the single highest interest rate. This corresponds rather neatly to working through jobs in order of importance per unit time. And it’s the strategy that will reduce the total burden of your debt as quickly as possible.
If, on the other hand, you’re more concerned with reducing the number of debts than the amount of debt—if, for instance, the hassle of numerous bills and collection phone calls is a bigger deal than the difference in interest rates—then you’re back to the unweighted, “just get stuff done” flavor of Shortest Processing Time, paying off the smallest debts first simply to get them out of the way. In debt-reduction circles, this approach is known as the “debt snowball.” Whether people, in practice, ought to prioritize lo
wering the dollar amount of their debts or the quantity of them remains an active controversy, both in the popular press as well as in economics research.
Picking Our Problems
This brings us back to the note on which we began our discussion of single-machine scheduling. It’s said that “a man with one watch knows what time it is; a man with two watches is never sure.” Computer science can offer us optimal algorithms for various metrics available in single-machine scheduling, but choosing the metric we want to follow is up to us. In many cases, we get to decide what problem we want to be solving.
This offers a radical way to rethink procrastination, the classic pathology of time management. We typically think of it as a faulty algorithm. What if it’s exactly the opposite? What if it’s an optimal solution to the wrong problem?
There’s an episode of The X-Files where the protagonist Mulder, bedridden and about to be consumed by an obsessive-compulsive vampire, spills a bag of sunflower seeds on the floor in self-defense. The vampire, powerless against his compulsion, stoops to pick them up one by one, and ultimately the sun rises before he can make a meal of Mulder. Computer scientists would call this a “ping attack” or a “denial of service” attack: give a system an overwhelming number of trivial things to do, and the important things get lost in the chaos.
We typically associate procrastination with laziness or avoidance behavior, but it can just as easily spring up in people (or computers, or vampires) who are trying earnestly and enthusiastically to get things done as quickly as possible. In a 2014 study led by Penn State’s David Rosenbaum, for example, participants were asked to bring either one of two heavy buckets to the opposite end of a hallway. One of the buckets was right next to the participant; the other was partway down the hall. To the experimenters’ surprise, people immediately picked up the bucket near them and lugged it all the way down—passing the other bucket on the way, which they could have carried a fraction of the distance. As the researchers write, “this seemingly irrational choice reflected a tendency to pre-crastinate, a term we introduce to refer to the hastening of subgoal completion, even at the expense of extra physical effort.” Putting off work on a major project by attending instead to various trivial matters can likewise be seen as “the hastening of subgoal completion”—which is another way of saying that procrastinators are acting (optimally!) to reduce as quickly as possible the number of outstanding tasks on their minds. It’s not that they have a bad strategy for getting things done; they have a great strategy for the wrong metric.
Working on a computer brings with it an additional hazard when it comes to being conscious and deliberate about our scheduling metrics: the user interface may subtly (or not so subtly) force its own metric upon us. A modern smartphone user, for instance, is accustomed to seeing “badges” hovering over application icons, ominous numbers in white-on-red signaling exactly how many tasks each particular app expects us to complete. If it’s an email inbox blaring the figure of unread messages, then all messages are implicitly being given equal weight. Can we be blamed, then, for applying the unweighted Shortest Processing Time algorithm to the problem—dealing with all of the easiest emails first and deferring the hardest ones till last—to lower this numeral as quickly as possible?
Live by the metric, die by the metric. If all tasks are indeed of equal weight, then that’s exactly what we should be doing. But if we don’t want to become slaves to minutiae, then we need to take measures toward that end. This starts with making sure that the single-machine problem we’re solving is the one we want to be solving. (In the case of app badges, if we can’t get them to reflect our actual priorities, and can’t overcome the impulse to optimally reduce any numerical figure thrown in our face, then perhaps the next best thing is simply to turn the badges off.)
Staying focused not just on getting things done but on getting weighty things done—doing the most important work you can at every moment—sounds like a surefire cure for procrastination. But as it turns out, even that is not enough. And a group of computer scheduling experts would encounter this lesson in the most dramatic way imaginable: on the surface of Mars, with the whole world watching.
Priority Inversion and Precedence Constraints
It was the summer of 1997, and humanity had a lot to celebrate. For the first time ever, a rover was navigating the surface of Mars. The $150 million Mars Pathfinder spacecraft had accelerated to a speed of 16,000 miles per hour, traveled across 309 million miles of empty space, and landed with space-grade airbags onto the rocky red Martian surface.
And now it was procrastinating.
Back on Earth, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) engineers were both worried and stumped. Pathfinder’s highest priority task (to move data into and out of its “information bus”) was mysteriously being neglected as the robot whiled away its time on tasks of middling importance. What was going on? Didn’t the robot know any better?
Suddenly Pathfinder registered that the information bus hadn’t been dealt with for an unacceptably long time, and, lacking a subtler recourse, initiated a complete restart, costing the mission the better part of a day’s work. A day or so later, the same thing happened again.
Working feverishly, the JPL team finally managed to reproduce and then diagnose the behavior. The culprit was a classic scheduling hazard called priority inversion. What happens in a priority inversion is that a low-priority task takes possession of a system resource (access to a database, let’s say) to do some work, but is then interrupted partway through that work by a timer, which pauses it and invokes the system scheduler. The scheduler tees up a high-priority task, but it can’t run because the database is occupied. And so the scheduler moves down the priority list, running various unblocked medium-priority tasks instead—rather than the high-priority one (which is blocked), or the low-priority one that’s blocking it (which is stuck in line behind all the medium-priority work). In these nightmarish scenarios, the system’s highest priority can sometimes be neglected for arbitrarily long periods of time.*
Once JPL engineers had identified the Pathfinder problem as a case of priority inversion, they wrote up a fix and beamed the new code across millions of miles to Pathfinder. What was the solution they sent flying across the solar system? Priority inheritance. If a low-priority task is found to be blocking a high-priority resource, well, then all of a sudden that low-priority task should momentarily become the highest-priority thing on the system, “inheriting” the priority of the thing it’s blocking.
The comedian Mitch Hedberg recounts a time when “I was at a casino, I was minding my own business, and this guy came up and said, ‘You’re gonna have to move, you’re blocking the fire exit.’ As though if there was a fire, I wasn’t gonna run.” The bouncer’s argument was priority inversion; Hedberg’s rebuttal was priority inheritance. Hedberg lounging casually in front of a fleeing mob puts his low-priority loitering ahead of their high-priority running for their lives—but not if he inherits their priority. And an onrushing mob has a way of making one inherit their priority rather quickly. As Hedberg explains, “If you’re flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit.”
The moral here is that a love of getting things done isn’t enough to avoid scheduling pitfalls, and neither is a love of getting important things done. A commitment to fastidiously doing the most important thing you can, if pursued in a head-down, myopic fashion, can lead to what looks for all the world like procrastination. As with a car spinning its tires, the very desire to make immediate progress is how one gets stuck. “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least,” Goethe allegedly proclaimed; but while that has the ring of wisdom about it, sometimes it’s just not true. Sometimes that which matters most cannot be done until that which matters least is finished, so there’s no choice but to treat that unimportant thing as being every bit as important as whatever it’s blocking.
When a certain task can’t be started until another one is finished, scheduling theorist
s call that a “precedence constraint.” For operations research expert Laura Albert McLay, explicitly remembering this principle has made the difference on more than one occasion in her own household. “It can be really helpful if you can see these things. Of course, getting through the day with three kids, there’s a lot of scheduling.… We can’t get out the door unless the kids get breakfast first, and they can’t get breakfast first if I don’t remember to give them a spoon. Sometimes there’s something very simple that you forget that just delays everything. In terms of scheduling algorithms, just knowing what [that] is, and keeping that moving, is incredibly helpful. That’s how I get things done every day.”
In 1978, scheduling researcher Jan Karel Lenstra was able to use the same principle while helping his friend Gene move into a new house in Berkeley. “Gene was postponing something that had to be finished before we could start something else which was urgent.” As Lenstra recalls, they needed to return a van, but needed the van to return a piece of equipment, but needed the equipment to fix something in the apartment. The apartment fix didn’t feel urgent (hence its postponement), but the van return did. Says Lenstra, “I explained to him that the former task should be considered even more urgent.” While Lenstra is a central figure in scheduling theory, and thus was well positioned to give this advice to his friend, it came with a particularly delicious irony. This was a textbook case of priority inversion caused by precedence constraints. And arguably the twentieth century’s single greatest expert on precedence constraints was none other than his friend, Eugene “Gene” Lawler.